Tuesday, August 1, 2017

RPGaDay 2017: #1: What Published RPG do you Wish you Were Playing Right Now?

Hi! This wasn't written on the day in question; I'm backfilling here. Because I didn't start writing these until the 16th, but I decided to give it a whirl anyway.

Expect these to be a bit more brief than usual. We good? Good.

Let's blog, homies.

RPGaDay 2017 Day 1: What Published RPG do you Wish you Were Playing Right Now?

Gosh. I have a deep and abiding love for FFG's Star Wars game; I've run no fewer than three games, two of which were extensive hacks, including a complete overhaul, repurposing the system to run an alternate telling of the Mass Effect trilogy for some friends who'd never played the original. 

This made one hell of an Alternate Universe story.
But even with all that, I never managed to get anyone to run the damn thing for me. It's kind of run its course in my local group, so that ship has likely sailed.

Having said that, my current wish is actually Infinity. This too, is likely to never happen, because asking someone else to run a game where I contributed some 56K words to the corebook ain't happening soon.

Now, Star Trek Adventures, on the other hand... that's got real possibilities.

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